Our company was established in December 2018 with the collaboration of the ISTITHMARE WEST AFRICA INVESTMENT company.
Our aim is to develop high efficiency Power Plants projects which will reduce the electricity unit cost. Also implementing these projects on the basis of EPC (Engineering – Procurement – Construction) and provide O&M (Operation – Maintenance) services in later stages.
We serve mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Although we are a newly established company, we continue to perform our mission together with our staff who have served in the energy sector for many years and contributed to the sector.
Our Sectoral Vision and Mission
As it is known, today electricity generation is provided by using various methods. The diversity of these methods, which are increasing, developing and changing day by day, is shaped according to the geographical structure, resources and economic status of the countries with energy demand. For example; While the water resources of some countries are sufficient, some countries do not have any water resources. While some countries are rich in hydrocarbon deposits, some countries are almost non-existent. In fact, some countries are very efficient in terms of wind, while in some countries the wind is not sufficient. While the energy demand, which increases every year, is shaped according to the resources of the countries, unfortunately, the conditions for accessing energy are not equal for each country due to economic and geographical resources.
Regardless of the production method, electricity has a very important place in our daily life. But we, as end users, realize its importance only when we are deprived of electricity. Despite this, we do not have a grasp of from which sources and difficulties electricity is obtained. Even a short cut of electricity affects life very negatively. In developed countries, people have become completely dependent on electrical energy to reach and meet their daily needs. With the developing technology every day, the place of electricity in our daily life is increasing substantially. Demand and need for electricity are increasing, especially as cars (plug-in ones) and transportation vehicles start using electricity as fuel.
Unfortunately, there are very rudimentary conditions in many African countries due to economic and political reasons, where we as WINENERJI Inc. have implemented our projects and provide solutions to people's electricity needs. African countries are far behind other world countries in terms of per capita electricity consumption. One of the difficulties in this continent is the inability to develop joint projects with neighbouring countries due to political and economic conditions. Another important reason is that many countries in Africa cannot provide sufficiency in water, and countries with water are not sufficient enough to feed hydroelectric power plants and / or do not have sufficient flow rate.
When the economic, geographical and political conditions are so difficult, the most accessible way for African countries to reach stable and quality electricity is through thermal power plants. It is inevitable to build new thermal power plants in order to meet the needs of the increasing young population and to facilitate human life. At a time when electricity and energy are becoming important, all governments keep the energy issue at the top of the list of problems that need to be solved.
Of course, with this rapid development of technology, it is certain that thermal power plants will be replaced by more environmentally friendly power plants with new technologies. However, we can see that the current technology, namely thermal power plants, can serve humanity for a while due to today's conditions. Disabling HFO thermal power plants and trying to replace them with new technology plants will cause both geographical and economic difficulties. Solar energy is of course the first energy source that comes to mind when it comes to African countries as a region. However, solar energy alone will not be a sufficient resource. The best move that can be made as of the period is hybrid thermal power plants, where we can include solar energy or other natural conditions into electricity generation. Considering the unit cost of electricity and emissions, many countries prefer HFO thermal power plants due to the suitability of the investment cost and the fast installation time, since not every country can turn to hybrid power plants in economic terms.
As WINENERJI Inc. we consider as a duty the service we provide with our experienced staff and regional experience in the construction and engineering works of our HFO Thermal Power Plants, which we have undertaken the installation and operation. We pay attention both to the importance of the investments and services we have made in the African region as the continent, and to the values we added and will add to our country with the investments we have made.
Our goal is to solve the energy problems of the peoples of the region where the conditions are so rudimentary by developing projects and making investments under the most economical conditions possible in these geographies that will be exemplary all over the world and will increase the value and the esteem of our country and our nation.